Art Projects

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


First graders were featuring David Shannon in their reading this month, so I pulled out "Alice the Fairy" and read it to them.  I asked them to pay particular attention to all the illustrations, as they were going to paint themselves as a fairy in this lesson.  We began with the alpha biggie paints and painted an oval in either a peach or brown depending on their skin color.  They added clothing, dresses, wands, hair, wings, crowns, tiaras and any other details they wished.  We used a simple idea in the background.  Some painted swirls, some lines, some fairy dust.  Each was unique.  The classroom teachers loved these and are using them as inspiration for a writing piece.... If I had 3 wishes, I would wish for......

Here are some paintings in progress.

They were all precious, but here are some of my finished favorites.....

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