Art Projects

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Painted Papers

As I begin my 37th year teaching ART, I realize that this love I have of students and art is really the only life I have every known!  Each year I stretch myself by trying new projects, and new ways to inspire kiddos!  I feel like I have grown tremendously in the last 37 years!  I was fortunate enough to hear an inspiring message by our Teacher of the Year, and it really put things in perspective for me. She told us to not forget about taking care of ourselves!  We need to put ourselves first so we can be there for students.  She also said what most of us already know, but usually forget.... and that is.... kids don't remember how your room is decorated or the posters you have up.  They remember YOU.  That got me thinking about my favorite teachers and why I like them SO  much.  It was because they made a personal connection with me!    Teaching over 550 students makes that a daunting challenge to say the least!  But my goal is to get to know my students through their art and art experiences!  Making art that is personal to them is my vision for all students!  With that said, on with the planning of art lessons!

The first thing we did this year grades 1-6 was to spend a day painting papers!  What fun!!  We will have a great stash for projects this year.  I even pulled some of the papers back out to layer more paint on with the next class.


  1. Linda,
    I have to say you have been a total inspiration to me as I have only been a K-5 art teacher for a few years and then before that a 6-7th gd art teacher for a couple of years. You have some amazing projects and out of many, many blogs I subscribe to and all the artsonia schools out're are awesome in my top couple of favorite teachers.Well, with all those awesome projects the students do & you being such a beautiful art teacher, I'm sure you will never be forgotten! Have an awesome year! I can't wait to see all the great stuff your kiddos create for 2015-16!!!

  2. Awe...that is such a sweet thing to say. I am happy I can inspire other art teachers as well as my students. :)
