Fourth graders chose a colored piece of 12 x 18 construction paper, folded it in half and sketched a large half heart on the fold. After cutting them out, they used crayons and construction paper crayons (these work awesome on dark colored paper) to create a design on half of the heart. Then they folded it in half and used the end of a ruler to "rub" the wax onto the other side of the heart. This transfer process is a bit more difficult and after the initial whining...they all got their designs transferred to the other side. A tip: Use your thumb and stand up to create more pressure to transfer the wax.
You will see a light version of the design, but enough to retrace it and make it symmetrical.
These were mounted on a background paper. Some chose black for contrast, and some chose a color in their design. Once glued we used detail brushes to paint white tempera paint in small areas to make the colors "pop". I showed them how the end of a paintbrush makes perfect dots and putting the dots close together creates a beautiful detailed line. Here are some of the results.

Gorgeous! I especially like the addition of the printed dots. Glad to have found your blog!